You Are Forgiven

1 John 1:7 NIV

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.

So what does that mean exactly?

Here’s the dilemma; too many people have read the bible, or at least have heard testimony in worship.  They know what the bible says, yet they remain living the life they always led before.

“We are cleansed of our sins by the blood of  Christ.”  FORGIVEN

We can’t profess to be Christians and continue business as usual.  We are called to change and lead the lives we were created to live.  That is a life that far exceeds your wildest dreams! See Ephesians 3:20-21 [NIV]

The blood of Christ cleanses us from our sins; but not if we don’t accept the forgiveness that frees us from our past.  We are called to move forward to live the life we were promised after we’ve been forgiven.

Too many times we carry on and neglect to forgive ourselves.  If God can forgive our sins… why can’t we?  We’ve been given a new lease on life, free from our former selves, free from past regrets and mistakes and free to move forward.

So if you’re being held back because you aren’t able to forgive yourself or you fear others won’t forgive you… Let it go!  The ONE who matters is HE who offered you forgiveness in the first place.  Get over the past – you’ve been awarded a fresh start… all you have to do is accept it!

Do you have a church?  We encourage you to reconnect with your church and surround yourself with those who will embrace you and lift you up.

If you don’t have a church, start asking around and seek out a church you feel comfortable with – it’s’ important to find a church that is a good fit for where you are in your faith journey today.

If you’ve had a bad experience in a former church setting, don’t be afraid to seek out a new church; one that you can feel comfortable with even if that means looking for a new denomination.

Read the bible.  Don’t have a bible?  No problem!  If you have a smart phone [no pun intended – my phone is smarter than me!]. Get an app called BIOY – Bible in one year. It only takes about 30 minutes a day to read and this particular app offers insight and discusses their take on what they perceive the message of the day to mean.  This is a great resource to reconnect with the word of God!  It’s a good way to absorb and understand what was traditionally a rigorous book to get engaged in.